
Are you thinking you can save money by “going in-house”?

Do you, or your employees, need to be relieved of managing the janitorial services 为你的公司,专注于你或他们最有经验和资格的工作?


Believe it or not, the real question is not 贵公司是否有能力外包清洁和建筑维护. The question is, can your company really afford not to?

When compared to an in-house cleaning operation, 24/7 Building Maintenance (24/7) with our skills, ethics, and years of experience, 能否把工作做得更好,并消除与人员配备和清洁相关的人力资源问题和责任. We will allow you to focus on managing your core business. 让bbin体育看一看1)经营成本和负债的基本优点, 2) Expertise, 3) Resources and Support and 4) Expense.

  1. 1. Operating Cost Control and the True Cost of Employment Liability


24/7 handles all employee administrative issues, 包括工人赔偿(门卫和办公室职员的分类不同)和保险费用, unemployment and EEOC claims, vacation and sick leave replacements, while minimizing staff turnover and related costs of recruiting, training and any other administrative costs. bbin体育随时了解不断变化的劳动法和规定的员工福利, including health care, sick leave and State and City wage increases. When calculating the true cost of your in-house cleaning operation, 很多时候,这些成本并没有完全意识到,直到你发现自己处于最坏的情况下,因为受伤, employee lawsuit or regulation oversight. 到那时,想在几个月甚至几年里避免这些开支可能就太晚了.

一个小事故可能会极大地影响你公司的工伤保险费用. 24/7有全面和积极的安全培训和广泛的公司伤害和疾病损失预防计划. bbin体育的工人补偿经验修改率非常高,bbin体育通过定期的安全培训会议和积极的索赔管理流程来保持bbin体育的评级.

bbin体育每年都会竞标bbin体育的商业保险政策,以最合理的成本从顶级供应商那里获得最佳的覆盖范围. We actively manage all claims to control costs. All our clients benefit from these savings.

  1. 2. Expertise

24/7提供专业的专业知识,提供全方位的bbin体育, making us unique in the janitorial industry including:

  • 根据行业知识估算和分配人员和任务
  • 熟悉最新的方法、设备和化学品.
  • 有效和全面的员工培训和质量控制计划
  • Experienced supervisors
  • Immediate response 24/7/365
  • Loss control programs

丰富的经验和24/7独特而成熟的员工福利计划吸引并留住合格的员工, dependable people. bbin体育公司提供的职业发展道路比大多数公司内部运营所能提供的要好.

  1. 3. Resources and Support

24/7可以确定内部清洁计划中可以改进的地方,并制定更高效、更经济的清洁计划. 对于你们的管理层来说,要在不造成破坏和不满的情况下做出必要的改变要困难得多. We are experts in transitioning companies to a new cleaning program.


  • Immediate response to all service requests
  • Day porter/matron services
  • Specialty event porters/matrons
  • Carpet shampooing, deodorizing and extraction.
  • All types of Hard Floor maintenance
  • Professional window cleaning and waterproofing
  • Glass and metal etching removal
  • High pressure washing
  • Steam cleaning with water reclamation
  • Graffiti removal
  • Parking lot cleaning
  • Building washing
  • Trash removal and hauling
  • Sign and Awning restoration and cleaning
  • Handyman services
  • Emergency smoke and odor remediation
  • Flood clean-up and sewage spill remediation
  • Construction clean up
  • Painting
  • Lighting and ballast replacements

All of the above (and more) are available exclusively to our contract clients, not the general public. 你将不必投标bbin体育,因为bbin体育的成本是完全公开的. 您不需要为您需要的所有bbin体育提供合格的分包商列表. We have the relationships, access, control, supervision, 保险和对你的忠诚会让你的生活更轻松.

In addition to continuously testing and evaluating new products, cleaning practices and environmental advancements, 24/7还具有购买力,可以为小公司可能缺乏的所有消耗品和洗手间设备获得最佳价格.  现场清洁团队接受24/7经验丰富的管理团队的监督, when the need arises; we can easily cover staff shortages and make personnel changes as needed. 这些情况对于内部运营规模较小的公司来说是非常困难和昂贵的. bbin体育还可以在接到紧急通知后立即提供人员,以应对火灾等紧急情况, earthquake and flood clean-up.

  1. 4. Expense and Quality

To be competitive, 24/7 is subject to market discipline.  内部运营的工资和福利通常由拥有不同技能的管理人员决定. 24/7员工按照当地市场的各种清洁技能和工资标准支付工资. Our bid will be a transparent cost analysis, 根据定制的清洁规格,bbin体育将提供一般指导方针, not a limitation to the services we will provide. 清洁频率和间隔将会被提供,但绝不会被用作缺乏清洁的借口. bbin体育将提供您做出决定所需的所有成本信息,而不需要制定防弹的征求建议书(RFP)以及随后的混乱和耗时, at times, misleading, bid evaluation.


经过比较,外包对大多数公司来说都是明智的选择. 24/7楼宇维修是您所有楼宇维修需求的最佳选择. bbin体育的声誉和长期客户推荐使bbin体育成为长期的最佳选择, high-quality cleaning and maintenance services. We strive for 100% satisfaction and settle for nothing less.

bbin体育向您展示如何轻松和成本效益,它可以使一个平稳和几乎毫不费力的过渡到专业的清洁和维护. Your business will benefit from a healthier environment, 租户满意度和更好地向客户展示质量. Research has proven your bottom line will improve.

Ready to see how we can help? Click here to contact us today.